Gordon Ekberg

Gordon Ekberg

Project Between the Cattails & the Bulrushes Gordon Ekberg’s Between the Cattails & the Bulrushes recounts the events of his life between 1933 and 2017. Written in a “folksy” style, his memories include life on his beloved Lawndale Farm in midwestern...
Gordie Swenson

Gordie Swenson

Project Bearman Gordie Swenson, a hunter and guide for 40 years, finally wrote Bearman – a collection of his most memorable escapades in the great outdoors. 261 pages. created/organized chapter layout performed advanced edit edited 210 photos created 5-page gallery of...
Donald Raun

Donald Raun

Project Who Would Have Thought…! Don Raun’s Who Would Have Thought…! recounts his family’s experiences while serving as missionaries in Africa for 40 years. Includes many photos. 191 pages. performed advanced edit created “scrapbook-style” photo frames edited...