About Me

I believe life is to be lived and that all experiences shape us. I delight in my current role as a “bridge to effective communication” for the authors and organizations using my editing services.

I’m Joy Minion

For many years, I was a stay-at-home mom, raising three kids and huge gardens in Minnesota. After the kids were grown and building their own families, it was time for Mama to start her college experience.

Photo of Joy on Graduation Day 2006I graduated from Minnesota State University—Moorhead in December 2006 with a B.A. in English/Mass Communications. For excitement while pursuing a dual major I drove a squad car transporting the chemically impaired to detox, and in my spare time remodeled a 103-year-old farmhouse and started my editing service.

I nearly achieved a master’s degree in English/Technical Writing from Mankato State University, but then my editing business took off, and grandkids began arriving at regular intervals…

After a couple of decades of writing, researching, and self-publishing, I started Minion Editing & Design 15 years ago and have since worked from home as a freelance editor, writer, typesetter and designer. 

I live in West Fargo, North Dakota, my 48th stop on life’s road. (Only time will tell if it remains an even four dozen!) Along the way, I’ve had catering, crafts and wellness businesses, taught the art of bread-making and managed a county historical society. I taught Sunday school and worked with youth for 30 years.

Photo of Joy standing by her RV

I was a Certified Nursing Assistant and once managed an assisted living facility. I’ve tutored English and math, written grants, sewn costumes for the drama departments of several schools, and organized various events and fundraisers. I was a school cook/baker, was a full-time RVer for a couple of years, and have stained/varnished/refinished more cabinets and furniture than I care to count. I’m passionate about genealogy – my travels (another passion!) have taken me to Canada, Ireland and numerous U.S. states – and I’ve written three family histories. My kids will never be able to say they don’t know where they came from!

Photo of Joy with bags packed and ready to goI love learning new things and enjoy travel (Ireland!), reading, my eight grandkids, gardening, quilting, genealogy, baking, collecting (almost everything before I downsized), photography and family, not necessarily in that order. My wide range of interests has prepared me well for the diverse subjects of the books I prepare for publication.

My Life Motto…

Be a blessing to someone today!

I work with individuals, ministries, companies and organizations. I take your ideas or manuscripts through the prepress process, creating books, study guides, magazines, newsletters, manuals/handbooks and seminar/ promotional materials. I even offer publishing services, such as providing ISBN numbers and bar codes.

Photo of Joy with client Bev Johnson at her book signing

God gave me a quirky sense of humor and an optimistic spirit ‘cuz he knew I’d need ‘em! I like overcoming challenges. I thrive on doing out-of-the-ordinary stuff, like starting college when I was 52. Road trips make me happy – actually, make that ANY kind of trip! I can be packed and ready to fly in a heartbeat. Such fun to explore interesting places & meet new friends. One of my greatest joys is celebrating my clients’ success – that could be YOU in the photo at a book signing event!

“Dream of being a published author?
I’m here to help make that happen. It’s hard to describe the excitement and emotion my clients feel the first time they hold that dream-come-true book in their hands!”

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