

Photo of Gordie Swenson's memoir
Photo of interior page from Gordie Swenson's memoir

Gordie Swenson, a hunter and guide for 40 years, finally wrote Bearman – a collection of his most memorable escapades in the great outdoors. 261 pages.

  • created/organized chapter layout
  • performed advanced edit
  • edited 210 photos
  • created 5-page gallery of original oil paintings
  • created graphics
  • managed entire prepress process
  • provided all publishing services
  • set up GoDaddy merchant account
  • designed website with ecommerce
  • photographed “bearman” merchandise
  • wrote all web copy



  • Advanced edit
  • Layout & Design
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Project Management
  • Publishing



Our Other Works

  • Bearman – The Rest of the Story (2012)

From the Author

“When we first started this project, I wasn’t so sure about the format. But when I saw what Joy designed, I could see she was right. I told her, ‘You’re the pro Joy, so you tell me if I’m blowin’ smoke!’ I sent her over three dozen files filled with a bunch of stories each, and she somehow got ‘em into chapters that made sense. When we got to the editing part of the project, I found out that writing the book was the easy part! Joy was a stickler for making sure everything was clear for the readers – yet she managed to make it all seem as if I was telling these stories around a campfire in the Northwoods. My book would never have made it into print if it wasn’t for Joy!”

Gordie Swenson

Fergus Falls, Minnesota