
New Neighbors On the Street & Study Guide

Photo of Donald Raun's book
Photo of interior page from Donald Raun's book

Don Raun’s New Neighbors on the Street is an insightful explanation of how Christians and Muslims differ in their beliefs and practices. 190 pages.

  • performed advanced edit
  • created bibliography
  • collaborated with cover designer
  • managed entire prepress process
  • created 48-page study guide



  • Advanced edit
  • Layout & Design
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading
  • Project Management
  • Publishing


  • Cover by Candy Rice Design


Faith-Based Books

From the Author

“I feel indebted to Joy Minion for her careful, conscientious expertise in editing and formatting New Neighbors. She made the book considerably better than it would have been otherwise.”

Don Raun

Fergus Falls, Minnesota