
Productive Alternatives

Photo of Productive Alternatives manual
Photo of interior page from Productive Alternatives manual

Productive Alternatives is a non-profit agency in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, providing vocational training, rehabilitation, employment and developmental services to disabled persons. They also provide handicap transit services via the Otter Express and detox services via the 10-bed Detox Center.

  • revised “corporate-speak” to plain language
  • revised all manuals for consistent format
  • revised all policy statements for clarity
  • collaborated with department heads
  • created brochures



  • Advanced edit
  • Layout & Design
  • Typesetting
  • Proofreading


Genre: Manuals/Handbooks

From the Author

“Productive Alternatives, Inc. has contracted with Joy Minion to assist us with the updating and editing of several of our Agency operating manuals. This is a task that is difficult and time-consuming for us, but a very necessary issue. We found that Joy does very thorough and accurate work, and also completed this task in a timely manner, as we had some very specific timelines to meet on this project. I would recommend her work to anyone who needs these kinds of services.”
Steve Skauge

President @ Productive Alternatives, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota