Saga of an Immigrant
“Ozzie” Groethe’s Saga of an Immigrant is the story of an 18-year-old farm boy, Ozzie’s father Sven, who left Norway to make his way in America. 50 pages.
- performed advanced edit
- located illustrations
- edited numerous photos
- collaborated with graphic designer for revisions
- registered book with U.S. Library of Congress
- provided project management services
- Advanced edit
- Layout & Design
- Typesetting
- Proofreading
- Project Management
- Publishing
- Cover art by John Valo from painting by G.J. Hurum
- Cover design by Julie Brenden
Genre: Genealogy, History
From the Author
“Joy did so much more than expected. I was a complete novice at writing and publishing, and she gave that extra help that kept the project on track and to completion. And her expertise at graphics made another difference between her and others in her field. Joy’s work will be enjoyed for generations!”